We’re Hiring!

Are you interested in getting involved during the 2021/2022 year?
Look no further! We’re Hiring! Positions available include:

Wellness Liaison (1)
Chief Returning Officer (1)
Internal Assistant (1)
Formal Committee (5)
Society Admin (1)
Student Representatives (3)
Outreach Coordinator (1)
Media and Design Coordinators (2)

Apply NOW through this website under ‘Get Involved’!

We also have two more positions on the way, so STAY TUNED!! 💛💙

If you have any questions, please message any of our social media accounts or email vpadmin@themsss.com!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/McMasterSocialSciencesSociety

Instagram: @macsocsci

Happy Pride Month!

The MSSS wants to extend our support to LGBTQ2S+ individuals! You are all valid and loved every single day of the year!

We’re Hiring!

HEY SOC SCI! Are you interested in getting involved during the 2021/2022 year?

MSSS Murder Mystery Night

HALLOWEEN IS COMING UP The MSSS invites you to our Murder Mystery Night! This event will be taking place via Zoom on Wednesday October 28th @ 5 PM Participants will